Martin & Sarah

The proposal

Partially because he is an old romantic, but mostly because he got fed up of Sarah not being decisive enough, Martin elected to plan a surprise holiday in September 2012.

Things quickly fell into place, only partially complicated by the vast array of injections, boosters, tablets, pills and potions needed: which Sarah found rather suspicious.

Even on the way to the airport, she had no idea where she was going.  Her only condition was that she was not to get kidnapped by Somalian pirates.  In hindsight, this was not a ridiculous scenario.

Kenya was the chosen location for a week in the sun, surrounded by palm trees and monkeys insistent on showing all parts of their anatomy.  Even after two days of safari, spying on countless elephants, giraffes, buffalo and even a few lions and a hippo, there was more.

Martin had his eye on a spot, near the beach, that overlooked the lapping waves, beautifully lit after the sun had gone down.  After a little persuasion, made easier with a little wine and dining, Sarah was coaxed onto a bench, where Martin patiently waited for the stars to appear.

And patient he needed to be, for the first cloudy night that week almost scuppered the few words he had put together.  Eventually though, the stars and moon broke through, which meant Martin went down on one knee, and asked the question.

A little confusion about hands, answers was followed by squeeks of excitement.  And the deed was done.